Asset Assessment in the Indian Power Sector


A power company was considering some strategic investments in natural gas power stations in India. It wanted to get an understanding of the strategies of some of the leading competitors in the power market and whether they might be looking to divest assets. It also wanted top level financial assessments of these natural gas power stations as a first step in potentially valuing and bidding for specific assets or companies.


TBRC delivered the following to meet the client’s needs. A series of interactive asset valuation models in Excel format with detailed: Capacity Utilization Output cost Price Tax A series of competitor profiles focusing on forward-looking strategy.


TBRC suggested the following approach Research into leading power companies in India, including interviews with leading executives to get insights into strategy. Models were created for some major assets, based on a combination of secondary and primary research inputs with industry benchmarks used to model and forecast data.

Client Benefits And Feedback

The asset assessment supported the client’s belief in the attractiveness of certain natural power stations as investment targets. The research showed that some of the companies owning the identified assets were looking to increase their exposure to non-