How Global Augmented Reality In Training And Education Market Players Should Strategize For 2022-2031

11 Apr, 2022

The global augmented reality in training and education market size is expected grow from $6.27 billion in 2021 to $10.37 billion in 2022 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 65.4%. The growth in the market is mainly due to the companies resuming their operations and adapting to the new normal while recovering from the COVID-19 impact, which had earlier led to restrictive containment measures involving social distancing, remote working, and the closure of commercial activities that resulted in operational challenges. The AR in training and education market is expected to reach $68.71 billion in 2026 at a CAGR of 60.4%.

What is the Global Augmented Reality In Training And Education Market?

The augmented reality in the training and education market consists of sales of augmented reality software for education and training and related products. Augmented reality is the latest advanced technology that is used in education/training to help the students, corporate employees to equip them with the knowledge or acquire skills by experiencing and interacting with different forms of reality, simulation, games, and others.

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What drives the Global Augmented Reality In Training And Education Market?

The implementation of AR technology in institutions is driving the market. Technology is changing education in many ways but this newer advanced technology of augmented reality is improving the learning environment. More schools and colleges are adopting AR technology to keep students actively engaged and experience learning instead of just reading and looking at pictures. For instance, the ZSpace application allows students to study the human heart and different layers of the earth’s atmosphere more effectively. Riverside Technologies, Inc. says that AR technology helps students to experience the simulation. The multiple benefits of AR technology are helping students in numerous ways encouraging the adoption of advanced technologies by schools and colleges in improving the learning environment.

Get the full global augmented reality in training and education industry report here:

Global Augmented Reality In Training And Education Market Segments
The global AR in training and education market is segmented:
By Category: Primary and Secondary Education, Test Preparation, Reskilling and Certifications, Higher Education, Language and Other Learnings
By Device: Classroom Projectors, Smartphones, Laptops, Others
By End-User: Higher Education, K-12
By Geography: The regions covered in the augmented reality in training and education market report are Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, Middle East, and Africa.

Augmented Reality In Training And Education Global Market Report 2022provides market size and growth forecasts for the global augmented reality in training and education market, global augmented reality in training and education market share, augmented reality in training and education market segments and geographies, augmented reality in training and education market competitive landscape including leading competitors’ revenues, profiles and market shares. The augmented reality in training and education market report identifies top countries and segments for opportunities and strategies based on market trends and leading competitors’ approaches.

Global Augmented Reality In Training And Education Industry Playersinclude Google Expeditions Pioneer Program., zSpace, Magic Leap, Alchemy VR, Unimersiv, GAMOOZ, Meta Company, DAQRI, InGage, Popar, Chromville, NEXT/NOW, VironIT, Groove Jones, HQSoftware, INDE, Augment, Metagram, Fishermen Labs, Program-Ace, Apptension, Transition Technologies PSC, Quytech, Craftars, Appentus Technologies, BidOn Games Studio, Mofables, Cortex, ScienceSoft and Gravity Jack and Queppelin. Based on industry trends and company analysis, the report explains a number of strategies for companies in the market.